Following The Path Search For A Life Of Passion Purpose & Joy

Chittister Joan
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Random Bantam Doubleday Dell

"This book is meant to give someone in the process of making a life decision at any age-in early adulthood, at the point of middle-age change and later, when we find ourselves at the crossroads without a name-some ideas against which to pit their own minds, their own circumstances. Its purpose, as they wrestle with the process of trying to find and follow their own special call at this new stage of life, is to both provoke thinking and to clarify it."
Joan Chittister

In our modern and mobile society, the range of answers to the questions "What am I supposed to do with my life?" and "How do I know when I've found my purpose?" can seem endless and overwhelming. Following the Path by Sister Joan brings the insights of her years of teaching and contemplation to bear on this issue, providing readers with a new way forward. Through her examination of spiritual calling and gifts, change and discernment, she leads readers home to the place where, finally, we know we fit, where we are the fullest of ourselves and a gift to the world, a timely and much needed message that many will be happy to hear.

5.30 x 7.80

Joan Chittister is an internationally known author and lecturer, and the executive director of Benetvision, a resource and research center for contemporary spirituality. She serves as cochair of the Global Peace Initiative of Women, a partner organization of the UN, facilitating a worldwide network of women peace builders. Her books include The Gift of Years, The Monastery of the Heart, and Uncommon Gratitude (with the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams). She is past president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and was prioress of her community, the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Pennsylvania, for twelve years.

"Joan Chittister is a legend. In this book she reminds us that when we connect our passions to the world's pain, everybody wins. Joan's book is a wonderful corrective to the piles of narcissistic, fluffy 'find yourself' books and self-help theology which often miss the secret to fulfillment which is-if we want to find our lives, we've got to give them away...we are made to live for something bigger than ourselves. Joan nails it. She invites you to cling to Jesus, dive into the world's pain, and do something daring and beautiful with your life."
Shane Claiborne, cofounder of The Simple Way

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