Scripture Illuminated - A Coloring Book for Prayer and Meditation

Emmanuelle Remond-Dalyac
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Pauline Books & Media US
Manuscript illumination is an ancient artform that uses decorative elements like initials, borders, or miniature illustrations to mark important scripture passages, underline the meaning of a biblical text, or simply honor the Word of God through art. Scripture Illuminated introduces you to this traditional practice and lets you try your hand at manuscript illumination with a collection of thirty-two scripture quotes for you to prayerfully color and embellish. Turn the mainstream practice of mindful coloring into an avenue for Christian prayer with this elegant coloring book centered on the Word of God. Includes an explanation of the practice of lectio divina, a traditional way of praying with scripture and encountering God in his Word.
8.12 x 8.83
The author of a number of books for children, including Guide to the Catechism's Difficult Questions, Tales from Ancient Egypt, and The Christmas Diaporama, Emmanuelle Rémond-Dalyac is a children's editor at Editions Salvator in Paris, France.

Estelle Chandelier has illustrated children's books that include Christian Holidays, Animal Stories, and Evening Stories of Animals.

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