St Teresa Of Avila (Encounter The Saints)

Wallace Susan Helen
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Pauline Books & Media US
As a little girl in her rich parents' home, Teresa and her brother Rodrigo loved to read the lives of the saints and martyrs. As a teenager, however, Teresa switched to novels and foolish romances—so much so, that she lost much of her love for prayer. After a bad illness and a conversion experience inspired by reading the biography of Saint Jerome, Teresa resolved to become a bride of Christ. Thus began a remarkable adventure of personal growth and conversion, learning to pray and meeting Jesus in prayer, and following Jesus as he called her to open sixteen new Carmelite convents and inspire people to live holy lives. From a troublemaking teen to the first woman Doctor of the Church, Saint Teresa of Ávila learned how to spend her energy for God and others and offers a bold witness to God's unconditional love.
4.25 x 7.00
Sr. Susan Helen Wallace, FSP, (1940–2013) was a Daughter of St. Paul for fifty years. She held master’s degrees in theology and journalism and was a prolific writer. Sister Susan Helen had a particular love for the saints and considered Saint Thérèse of Lisieux a personal heavenly friend and intercessor
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